Presence of medium-sized mammals in a fragment of tropical forest on the banks of the Bacalar Lagoon, Quintana Roo

Keywords: Jaguarundi, Potos flavus, predators, tropical forest


Faunal research is crucial in wildlife and ecosystem conservation studies.  In the case of Bacalar, research on local wildlife is scarce.  This study aimed to identify the presence of wild mammals in a fragment of semi-preserved forest associated with the Bacalar Lagoon.  The study was carried out over the period 2022–2023.  Systematic sampling included direct observations along transects 1 km long by 2 m wide during daytime (7:00 hr) and nighttime (20:00 hr) routes and through photo-trapping with 10 camera traps installed in strategic areas (wildlife trails, watering holes, and periphery of fruit trees).  The presence of 12 species of wild mammals belonging to 6 orders and 9 families was recorded, highlighting the order Carnivora with 4 species.  A second record of Potos flavus (martucha) was obtained in Bacalar, and also recorded were Herpailurus yagouaroundi (jaguarundi) and Leopardus wiedii (ocelot), scarcely documented in the area.  Eight of the 12 reported species were observed in the dry season (May-August).  The richness of predators of the order Carnivora is attributed to the good state of conservation of the study area and the presence of prey.  In addition, the increase in records during the dry season may be related to the Bacalar Lagoon as a water source.  This paper highlights the importance of local fauna studies and the need for further studies of wild mammals in the state of Quintana Roo.

Author Biographies

Romeo Alejandro Sánchez-Zavalegui, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Quintana Roo, Campus Chetumal Bahía

Master in Coastal Zone Management from the Technological Institute of Mexico, Chetumal unit. Professor by subject at the Autonomous University of the State of Quintana Roo. Lines of interest: social vulnerability, geographic information systems, mycology and ornithology.

María Marcela Cimé-Ruiz, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Quintana Roo, Campus Chetumal Bahía
Maestra en Manejo de Zona Costera por el Instituto Tecnológico de México, unidad Chetumal. Estudiante del programa doctorado en geografía de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Quintana Roo. Líneas de interés: taxonomía y ecología de poblaciones, dinámica poblacional de Limulus polyphemus y vulnerabilidad social y resiliencia ante la COVID-19
Carlos Tuz-Catzin, Instituto Tecnológico de la Zona Maya TecNM

Master of science student in sustainable agroecosystems. Research line: Ecology and conservation of Quintana Roo fauna, agroforestry systems and flora of the Yucatan Peninsula.

How to Cite
Sánchez-Zavalegui, R. A., Cimé-Ruiz, M. M., & Tuz-Catzin, C. (2024). Presence of medium-sized mammals in a fragment of tropical forest on the banks of the Bacalar Lagoon, Quintana Roo. Therya Notes, 5, 172-176.