Impact of global climate change on mammals

Keywords: Climate change, habitat, mammals, precipitation, temperature


Global climate change, marked by temperature fluctuations and shifting precipitation, poses grave threats to global biodiversity, especially mammals.  As temperatures rise, habitats' suitability alters, causing mammalian range shifts, particularly in species with limited distributions.  Climate change impacts not only species distribution but also their reproductive processes.  For instance, altered temperatures can cause shifts in mammalian reproduction timing, potentially affecting reproductive success due to resource availability mismatches.  Furthermore, climate change influences mammalian behavior, such as foraging and migration, and can even affect disease vector distribution.  Habitat changes due to climate variables can result in habitat loss, fragmentation, and shifts in suitability.  Recent research has shed light on the intricate relationship between climate change and mammalian biology, yet many questions remain.  Future studies should focus on lesser-known species, potential adaptation, and the combined effects of multiple climate variables.  Long-term research is vital for understanding ongoing climate change impacts and predicting future trends.

How to Cite
Rioja-Paradela, T. M., Torres-Olave, M. E., & Carrillo-Reyes, A. (2023). Impact of global climate change on mammals. Therya Notes, 4, 127-128.