Ecological connectivity and wildlife passages on roads: a reflection for México

  • Norma Fernández-Buces Grupo Selome, S. A. de C. V.
  • Karina Trinidad-Lora Grupo Selome, S. A. de C. V.
  • Marisol Olivé-Arrioja Grupo Selome, S. A. de C. V.
  • Julisa Resendiz-Rodríguez Grupo Selome, S. A. de C. V.
  • Sergio López-Noriega Grupo Selome, S. A. de C. V.
  • Luis Antonio Juárez-Casillas Grupo Selome, S. A. de C. V.
Keywords: Artificial corridor, biological corridor, fragmentation of ecosystems


The construction of wildlife passages is a globally growing trend, supported by adequate legal frameworks and practical experiences that have assessed their effectiveness and efficiency to reduce roadkills; particularly for mammals.  In México, however, this field is still incipient, with a few wildlife passages implemented and a non-existent legal framework, only regulated through authorization resolutions of environmental impact assessments related to road construction projects.  Fauna passages play an important role in biodiversity conservation and recovery of landscape connectivity; however, studies are still required worldwide to assess the relevance of these passages on wildlife populations and communities conservation through time and space.  This paper summarizes current considerations in terms of connectivity and fragmentation, and their relationship with wildlife passages construction on roads, as a strategy to mitigate wildlife impacts, encouraging the reader to reflect on the current status of these topics in México and the importance of implementing them through a legal framework as part of the commitments of México toward the global conservation of biodiversity.

How to Cite
Fernández-Buces, N., Trinidad-Lora, K., Olivé-Arrioja, M., Resendiz-Rodríguez, J., López-Noriega, S., & Juárez-Casillas, L. A. (2022). Ecological connectivity and wildlife passages on roads: a reflection for México. Therya Notes, 3, 87-91.
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