New records of Galictis vittata (Schreber, 1776) for the western slope of the Andes, Pacific region of Colombia


  • Jonard David Echavarria-Renteria Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó "Diego Luís Córdoba"
  • Alex Mauricio Jimenez-Ortega Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó "Diego Luís Córdoba"
  • Leison Palacios-Mosquera Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó "Diego Luís Córdoba"

Palabras clave:

Colombia, greater grison, Pacific region.


Galictis vittata (Greater Grison) is distributed from Mexico through Central and South America down to northern Argentina and southern Brazil, from sea level up to 1,500 masl. In Colombia, this species is widely distributed along the Caribbean and Andean regions, and to a lesser extent in the Orinoquia and Pacific regions. Specimens of G. vittata were fortuitously captured in the municipality of Quibdó. This finding, along with an observation in the municipality of Rio Quito and a literature survey in international databases and published records of the species, were used to draw a map of current localities of the species in our country. A new record of G. vittata is reported for Colombia based on two voucher specimens deposited in the Colección Teriológica del Chocó. These specimens correspond to two females, one adult and one juvenile preserved as skins. This finding is the fourth report of the species from the western Andean zone of Colombia in the Pacific Region and the first for the Department of Chocó. It is a significant addition to the geographical and ecological distribution of G. vittata in the Choco, a region currently facing various diversity and conservation issues that threaten its survival, such as loss of habitat and changes of land use.

Biografía del autor/a

Jonard David Echavarria-Renteria, Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó "Diego Luís Córdoba"



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