Issue Dedicated to David J. Schmidly, Ph.D., in Recognition of his Contributions to Mammalogy in México


  • Robert Bradley Natural Science Research Laboratory Museum of Texas Tech University Box 43191 Lubbock, TX 79409-3191
  • Lisa C. Bradley Natural Science Research Laboratory, Texas Tech University


BAUMGARDNER, G. D., AND D. J. SCHMIDLY. 1981. Systematics of the southern races of two species of kangaroo rats (Dipodomys compactus and D. ordii). Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University 73:1–27.

BRADLEY, R. D., D. S. CARROLL, M. L. HAYNIE, R. MUÑIZ-MARTÍNEZ, M. J. HAMILTON, AND C. W. KILPATRICK. 2004. A new species of Peromyscus from western Mexico. Journal of Mammalogy 85:1184–1193

BRADLEY, R. D., N. ORDOÑEZ-GARZA, G. CEBALLOS, D. S. ROGERS, AND D. J. SCHMIDLY. 2017. A new species in the Peromyscus boylii species group (Cricetidae: Neotominae) from Michoacan, Mexico. Journal of Mammalogy 98:154–165.

BRADLEY, R. D., N. ORDOÑEZ-GARZA, C. G. SOTERO-CAIO, H. M. HUYNH, C. W. KILPARTRICK, I. ENIQUEZ-DAVALOS, AND D. J. SCHMIDLY. 2014. Morphometrics, karyotypic, and molecular evidence for a new species of Peromyscus (Cricetidae: Neotominae) from Nayarit, Mexico. Journal of Mammalogy 95:176–186.

BRADLEY, R. D., D. J. SCHMIDLY, B. R. AMMAN, R. N. PLATT II, K. M. NEUMANN, H. W. HUYNH, R MUNIZ-MARTINOZ, C. LÓPEZ-GONZALEZ, AND N. ORDOÑEZ-GARZA. 2015. Molecular and morphological data reveal multiple species in Peromyscus pectoralis. Journal of Mammalogy 96:446–459.

BRADLEY, R. D., D. J. SCHMIDLY, AND C. W. KILPATRICK. 1996. The relationships of Peromyscus sagax to the P. boylii and P. truei species groups in Mexico based on morphometric, karyotypic, and allozymic data. Pp. 95–106 in Contributions in Mammalogy: A Memorial Volume Honoring Dr. J. Knox Jones, Jr. (Genoways, H. H., and R. J. Baker, eds.). Museum of Texas Tech University. Lubbock, U.S.A.

BRADLEY, R. D., I. TIEMANN-BOEGE, C. W. KILPATRICK, AND D. J. SCHMIDLY. 2000. The taxonomic status of Peromyscus boylii sacarensis. Journal of Mammalogy 81:875–884.

CASTRO-CAMPILLO, A. A., H. R. ROBERTS, D. J. SCHMIDLY, AND R. D. BRADLEY. 1999. Systematic status of Peromyscus boylii ambiguus based on morphological and molecular data. Journal of Mammalogy 80:1214–1231.

GALLO-REYNOSO, J. P. 2014. La Asociación Mexicana de Mastozoología, A.C., Nuestra querida AMMAC, Palabras dichas en conmemoración de los 30 años de la AMMAC, el 31de Octubre de 2014. Therya 5:695-699.

LEE, M. R., AND D. J. SCHMIDLY. 1977. A new species of Peromyscus (Rodentia: Muridae) from Coahuila, Mexico. Journal of Mammalogy 58:263–268.

LEÓN-PANIAGUA, L., AND E. ROMO-VÁZQUEZ. 1993. Mastofauna de la Sierra de Taxco, Guerrero. Pp. 45–64 in Avances en el Estudio de los Mamíferos de México (RA Medellín and G Ceballos, eds.). Publicaciones Especiales No. I, Asociacion Mexicana de Mastozoologia, AC, México, DF.

MARES, M. A., AND D. J. SCHMIDLY (EDS.). 1991. Latin American mammalogy: history, hiodiversity, and conservation. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman. 468pp.

MARTIN, C. O., AND D. J. SCHMIDLY. 1982. Taxonomic review of the pallid bat, Antrozous pallidus. Special Publications, Museum of Texas Tech University 18:1–48.

ROGERS, D. S., AND D. J. SCHMIDLY. 1982. Systematics of spiny pocket mice (genus Heteromys) of the desmarestianus species group from Mexico and northern Central America. Journal of Mammalogy 63:375–386.

SCHMIDLY, D. J., R. D. BRADLEY, AND P. S. CATO. 1988. Morphometric differentiation and taxonomy of three chromosomally characterized groups of Peromyscus boylii from east-central Mexico. Journal of Mammalogy 69:462–480.

SCHMIDLY, D. J., AND F. S. HENDRICKS. 1976. Systematics of the southern races of Ord’s kangaroo rat, Dipodomys ordii. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 75:225–237.

YATES, T. L., AND D. J. SCHMIDLY. 1977. Systematics of Scalopus aquaticus (Linnaeus) in Texas and adjacent states. Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University 45:1–36.




