Population estimate and identification of major conservation threats for the river dolphin (Inia geoffrensis humboldtiana) at the Colombian Orinoquia


  • Federico Mosquera-Guerra Universidad Nacional
  • Fernando Trujillo Fundación Omacha
  • Carlos Aya-Cuero Fundación Omacha
  • Nicole Franco-León Fundación Omacha
  • Kelly Valencia Fundación Omacha
  • Adrián Vasquez Fundación Omacha
  • Camila Duran Prieto Fundación Omacha
  • Daniel José Morales-Mejia Fundación Omacha
  • Gerhard Alejandro Pachón-Bejarano Corporinoquia
  • Hugo Mantilla-Meluk Universidad del Quindío
  • Dolors Armenteras-Pascual Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Palabras clave:

Aquatics mammals, climate change, Orinoco basin, pink dolphins, population density.


South American sub-continent, housed the largest diversity of river dolphins on the planet, here there are two species in the genus Sotalia and three species in the genus Inia. Tonina, present on the Orinoco basin, are expose to many different anthropogenic threats, such as: the fragmentation and loss of aquatic ecosystems; acoustic contamination; risk of collision with boats; entanglement; deaths by retaliation, resulting from biological and operational interactions with artisanal and industrial fisheries; biomagnification of heavy metals such as mercury in the aquatic trophic web; capture of individuals for their usage as bait for the fishery of Calophysus macropterus, primarily on borderline localities between Colombia and Venezuela; and finally, the negative effects of climate change. We conducted a study to determine population sizes and anthropogenic threats affecting river dolphins populations during the beginning of high-water season, between November 2018 and February of 2019, along 1,402 km. We calculated the degradation index for streams of continental waters and density of the river dolphins. Water quality, habitat transformation, species exploitation, and the increment in number of human settlements were identified as the main conservation stressor in the analyzed area. We obtained density values by habitat type for different aquatic environments and population sizes for river dolphins and the value in the index of degradation, with a potential increment in value through time. River confluences were identified as priority areas for the conservation of the species. Water quality, habitat modification, and species exploitation were particularly intense. Our results highlight a potential transformation of the ideal conditions that allow for the establishment of the species, explaining its distribution with predicted values between 46.6 % and 70.1 % for the evaluated timeframe due to the effects of climate change on aquatic ecosystems. The Meta River, has the highest value for the index of freshwater ecosystems degradation followed by the Orinoco basin, water quality and species exploitation appear to be the major stressors for dolphins in these areas. Finally, river confluences were identified as conservation hot spots for dolphin populations. We point out on the importance of river dolphins as bioindicator, sentinel species, and one of the most susceptible to the negative effects of climate change.

Biografía del autor/a

Federico Mosquera-Guerra, Universidad Nacional

Biológo, Magíster en Recursos Hidrobiológicos Continentales de la Universidad del Cauca y Candidato a Doctor en Ciencias Biología de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia; es miembro de cinco sociedades científicas y hace parte de la delegación colombiana ante la Comisión Internacional Ballenera-CIB; presenta una amplia experiencia en la realización de estudios de ecología del movimiento , manejo y conservación de mamíferos acuáticos (continentales y marinos) y grandes mamíferos terrestres asociados a estos ambientes. A participado en más de 37 proyectos científicos para la conservación y el manejo de especies amenazas y sus hábitats en Suramérica; 17 expediciones científicas que incluye el estudio de delfines de río en más 28 mil km de 32 cuencas hidrográficas de la Amazonia y Orinoquia en Suramérica. Adicionalmente, con su aporte al conocimiento de los grandes mamíferos ha apoyado la formulación de figuras de conservación para áreas protegidas como el Parque Nacional Natural Serranía del Chiribiquete y los sitios Ramsar Tarapoto y Bita. Ha participado en la elaboración de 19 libros, 24 artículos científicos, 20 capítulos de libro y ha presentado su producción científica en más de 42 eventos nacionales e internacionales.

Fernando Trujillo, Fundación Omacha

Director CientíficoFundación Omacha

Carlos Aya-Cuero, Fundación Omacha

Investigador Fundación Omacha

Nicole Franco-León, Fundación Omacha

Investigador Fundación Omacha

Kelly Valencia, Fundación Omacha

Investigador Fundación Omacha

Adrián Vasquez, Fundación Omacha

Investigador Fundación Omacha

Camila Duran Prieto, Fundación Omacha

Investigador Fundación Omacha

Daniel José Morales-Mejia, Fundación Omacha

Investigador Fundación Omacha

Gerhard Alejandro Pachón-Bejarano, Corporinoquia

Investigador Corporinoquia

Hugo Mantilla-Meluk, Universidad del Quindío

Investigador Universidad del Quindío

Dolors Armenteras-Pascual, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Docente Universidad Nacional de Colombia


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