Morfometría geométrica craneal en tres especies de roedores arborícolas neotropicales, género Rhipidomys (Mammalia, Rodentia, Sigmodontinae) en Venezuela


  • Franger J. García Laboratorio Museo de Zoología, Departamento de Biología, Facultad Experimental de Ciencias y Tecnología (FACyT). Universidad de Carabobo, Valencia-Venezuela. Campus Bárbula, municipio Naguanagua, Valencia 2005.
  • Elvira Sánchez-González Departamento de Biología de Organismos, División de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Simón Bolívar. Sartenejas, Miranda-Venezuela.

Palabras clave:

geometric morphometrics, landmarks, Sierra de Aroa, Yaracuy, Yurubí National Park


In this study, we compared a new population of Rhipidomys from the Sierra de Aroa-Yaracuy State in Venezuela with taxa included within the R.fulviventer section sensu Tribe (1996). We used geometric morphometrics from selected landmarks on the skull, and mandible of three species ofRhipidomys, and three subspecies of R. fulviventer housed in Venezuelan museums. We grouped every taxon as R. venustus Aroa (Sierra de Aroa), R.venustus (Sistema de colinas Lara-Falcón, Cordillera Central, and Andes-Cordillera de Mérida), R. wetzeli (Guayana), R. fulviventer elatturus (Andes-El Tamá), R. fulviventer ssp. 1 (Cordillera Central), and R. fulviventer tenuicauda (Cordillera Oriental). We measured every landmark with its opposite with the purpose to corroborate the results with the linear morphometrics, using the program TPSDig. The results support the proposed taxonomy that previously recognized three species, and three subspecies within R. fulviventer. However, the analysis separated R. venustus Aroa as a distinct group. The landmarks on the dorsal view showed the greatest differences in the Rhipidomys studied. R. venustus Aroa, and R. venustus were the two largest taxa, and R. wetzeli was the smallest. Among the subspecies of R. fulviventer, R. f. ssp. 1, showed less differentiation in the shape, and R. f. tenuicaudashowed the strongest differentiation. The Sierra de Aroa population needs careful taxonomic revision because it may represent an undescribed taxon within R. venustus.Key words: geometric morphometrics, landmarks, Sierra de Aroa, Yaracuy, Yurubí National Park.


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