Primer registro de alimentación oportunista de ballena jorobada (Megaptera novaeangliae) en la costa de Oaxaca, México


  • Francisco Villegas-Zurita Instituto de Ecología, Universidad del Mar. Ciudad Universitaria s/n. Puerto Ángel Oaxaca, 70902.
  • Fátima Castillejos-Moguel Instituto de Ecología, Universidad del Mar. Ciudad Universitaria s/n. Puerto Ángel Oaxaca, 70902.

Palabras clave:

Feeding, Breeding grounds, Oaxaca, Tropical Pacific


We report the first record of opportunistic feeding behavior of one humpback whale during its winter migration through tropical waters off the central coast of Oaxaca, Mexico. Additionally, we recorded for the first time evidence of mixed feeding techniques, mainly consisting of lunging vertically, which is used in feeding grounds of the North Pacific and skimming lunge subsurface, which is used in feeding grounds of the South Pacific, with the latter one being specifically used for catching Munida sp. aggregations. The method described adds four new variants to the maneuver repertoire: 1) buzz prior to the prey capture, 2) type of targeted prey, Cupleiformes in this case, 3) emergence with the mouth closed, and 4) movement in the surface with the mouth closed. Based on the characteristics of this method we named it subsurface lunge feeding with terminal buzz. This is the southernmost feeding record that has been reported for the North Pacific humpback whales.Key words: Feeding, Breeding grounds, Oaxaca, Tropical Pacific.


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