New record of infanticide in Alouatta pigra: chance of betrayal of altruism


  • Luis Manuel García-Feria Instituto de Ecología, A. C.
  • Brenda Alondra Cruz Pérez Escuela de Biología Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. Puebla, México
  • Xitlali Sánchez-Girón Escuela de Biología Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. Puebla, México

Palabras clave:

selfish motivations, dominant males, subordinate males, polygyny, neotropical primates.


The infanticide is a normal behavior in different animal species. In primates of the genus Alouatta infanticide it has been observed in polygamous groups where death of infants is caused by unrelated males when a pregnant female joins a family group, or when a new young male takes ownership harem other. An altruist behavior is developed by subordinate males, which they may help to the related dominant male in the defense of the group, but these altruism can be betrayed. In ≈ 6.58 ha fragment located in a highly fragmented landscape at municipality of Balancán (Tabasco), we made observations to a group of seven howler monkeys, and a lone adult male. We documented the fourth case of infanticide in Alouatta pigra in Mexico by a subordinate male. A. pigra groups with the highest number of females probably attract external male that trying to take control of the group. However, we suggest that the subordinate male could have taken advantage of the distraction of the group to made infanticide. Although the aultruist behavior in A. pigra is present, these coalition can be betrayed by selfish motivations, especially when subordinate males they presume better advantage to the dominant males, or the opportunity to take control of the group and their roles within it.

Biografía del autor/a

Luis Manuel García-Feria, Instituto de Ecología, A. C.

Red de Biología y Conservación de Vertebrados, Instituto de Ecología, A.C.Tecnico Titular C.

Brenda Alondra Cruz Pérez, Escuela de Biología Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. Puebla, México

Escuela de Biología. Estudiante de licenciatura

Xitlali Sánchez-Girón, Escuela de Biología Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. Puebla, México

Escuela de Biología. Estudiante de licenciatura


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