Análisis filogenético del género Mimon Gray, 1847 (Mammalia, Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae) con la descripción de un nuevo género


  • Natali Edith Hurtado Miranda
  • Víctor Pacheco Torres

Palabras clave:

Gardnerycteris nov. gen., morfológico, Máxima Parsimonia.


Introduction: Mimon is currently considered a monophyletic genus that comprises two subgenera: Mimon (represented by M. bennettii and M. cozumelae), and the taxon formerly named “Anthorhina†(represented by M. crenulatum and M. koepckeae). However, recent molecular phylogenies show Mimon as a polyphyletic genus within Phyllostomidae.Methods: Herein, we present a phylogenetic approach based on morphology, which includes all species of the genus Mimon, with emphasis on geographical populations of M. crenulatum. Our data matrix was built with our own examination of M. bennetti (n = 5), M. cozumelae (n = 31), M. crenulatum (n = 181), and M. koepckeae (n = 3) for 91 morphological characters including external, skull-dental and postcraneal traits. The species Lophostoma occidentalis, Trachops cirrhosus, Tonatia saurophila, Phyllostomus discolor, Phylloderma stenops, and Micronycteris megalotis were selected as outgroups. The tree was rooted on M. megalotis. An exhaustive search with 135 unordered characters was performed to find the most parsimonious trees.Results: A single well-supported tree of 306 steps was obtained. Bootstrap and Jacknife with 10,000 resampling were used as support estimators. The most parsimonious tree confirms Mimon is a polyphyletic genus, where the subgenus Mimon and the taxon formerly named “Anthorhina†are strongly supported but unrelated monophyletic groups.Discussion and Conclusions: In order to solve this taxonomic problem, we recommend the taxon formerly named “Anthorhina†be raised at genus level, but with a new name because “Anthorhina†is a synonym of Tonatia. Finally, we provide an emended diagnosis of Mimon s.s. and the description of a new genus, based on morphological characters used for the phylogeny.Key words: Gardnerycteris nov. gen., morphological, maximun parsimony.


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