El contexto geográfico de los lagomorfos de México


  • Alejandro Velázquez Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Antigua Carretera a Pátzcuaro 8701, Morelia Michoacán, 58190.

Palabras clave:

control, conservation, geographic approach management, Mexican lagomorphs, local stakeholders


Mexican lagomorphs (15 species) represent part of Mexico´s natural heritage which invoke contrasting perceptions. On the one side, some species are granted as threatening of ecological disturbances due to its versatility and adaptation to man-made changes. On the other, a number of species are highly threatened and some at the verge of extinction. The present paper analyses conjointly, biogeographic and ecological distribution patterns in connection with potential strategic local stakeholders who may turn allies to implement manipulation and conservation of lagomorph´s populations. The geographic approach allowed simultaneous use of geospatial, social and ecological data bases. These were needed to delineate critical territories for this Mexican mammalian order. Results pinpoint eight critical territories covering over one million hectares to ensure long term survival of these 15 lagomorph´s species. The immediate challenge is to guide the performance of these critical territories into sustainable practices. This task has to be conducted under the legitimate local communal governance schemes; which are the underlying social forces that have ensure the persistence of the present Mexican lagomorphs.



