Analysis of the application of ecological niche modeling in phylogeographic studies: contributions, challenges, and future


  • Carlos Luna-Aranguré Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Ella Vázquez-Domínguez Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


ecological niche, lineage divergence, niche conservatism, niche modeling, phylogeography, potential distribution.


The combined application of ecological niche modeling in phylogeographic studies has contributed to better understanding the relationship between the patterns of genetic variation of species and the abiotic conditions where their populations have evolved. This has allowed broadening and strengthening the spectrum of phylogeographic questions and hypotheses to be tested, based on the increasing availability of data, algorithms, and models. However, when these two approaches are combined, some of their limitations are also added, despite taking advantage of their strengths. This review explores some of the latest contributions of this application. We found that 44 % of the studies reviewed address the effect of the environment on the diversification and structure of lineages; 20 % of the models concern mammals and 27 %, reptiles; and 34 % of the articles addressed the biota of the Nearctic region. This review also explores the most important challenges and future perspectives resulting from this synergy.

Author Biographies

Carlos Luna-Aranguré, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Maestro en Ciencias por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Posgrado en Ciencias Biológicas) y candidato a doctor en ciencias en el Instituto de Ecología de la UNAM. Sus intereses de investigación actuales se centran en la influencia del medio ambiente sobre los patrones de diversificación de especies, utilizando enfoques integradores de modelado de nichos ecológicos y filogeografía.

Ella Vázquez-Domínguez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Interesada en diferentes aspectos de ecología molecular y evolución a escala local y regional, con proyectos actuales sobre genética de poblaciones, conservación y paisaje y filogeografía, con extenso trabajo de campo en mamíferos, reptiles y anfibios.


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