Using MaxEnt modeling to predict the potential distribution of Platyrrhinus ismaeli (Phyllostomidae)



Chiroptera, department of Tolima, distribution, expansion, geographic range, Phyllostomidae


The broad-nosed bat, Platyrrhinus ismaeli, is listed as Near Threatened (NT) by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, and due to the low number of collected specimens, its geographic distribution is poorly known. This study presents the first documented record of this species in the eastern slope of the Colombian Central range. Herein, museum voucher specimens were used as primary sources for the elaboration of a checklist of Platyrrhinus ismaeli from Colombia. In addition, the checklist is supplemented with information on life zones and a potential distribution model for Colombia. This distribution map was used to explore the affinities, in species composition, among Colombian ecoregions as outlined by, and the relationship between associated environmental variables. In total, 15 field-based occurrence points and 20 environmental variables (19 bioclimatic and one topographic) were used to model the potential distribution area. The response curves showed that this species prefers habitats with an annual temperature of 12.0 to 25.5 °C, annual precipitation of 1,000 to 4,000 mm, and an elevation range of 1,200 to 2,850 masl. Most of the current potential suitable conditions were located to the north-center of Colombia. We found that P. ismaeli is distributed in Colombia in four main regions, including the Biogeographic Chocó, the Magdalena Valley, the Orinoquia, and the Guianan-Amazon region. The spatial distribution of the species is driven by variables such as temperature, precipitation, and elevation. Changes in these variables affect the normal activities of this species with a narrow geographical niche and dispersal ability may particularly reduce the ability of this species to face global climate change consequences. Therefore, it is imperative to continue exploring the effect of these variables in order to better define the distribution patterns and conservation strategies for this species. Our findings can be used to define high-priority areas for the protection and conservation of P. ismaeli.


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