Why environmental impact assessments often fail


  • William F. Laurance Centre for Tropical Environmental and Sustainability Science, College of Science and Engineering, James Cook University.


Biodiversity protection, conservation, environmental threats, habitat loss, strategic environmental assessment, threatened species


The environmental impact assessment (EIA) is a nearly universal instrument intended to limit or to offset the environmental tolls of development projects. Here, I describe some of the key shortcomings of EIAs in terms of their real-world application, especially in developing nations that harbor much of the world’s imperiled biodiversity. A surprisingly large number of EIAs suffer from major inaccuracies and some are green-lighting projects that will have serious environmental and societal costs. I summarize by proposing eight strategies to help improve the conservation capacities of EIAs.

Author Biography

William F. Laurance, Centre for Tropical Environmental and Sustainability Science, College of Science and Engineering, James Cook University.

Distinguished Professor, College of Science and EngineeringDirector of two university research centers


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