Sections policies

Peer Review Process

Manuscripts received will be subjected to an editorial process that takes place in several stages. First, the manuscripts will be submitted to a preliminary evaluation of the General Editor and some of the members of the Editorial Board will determine the relevance of its publication. The notes that fulfill the thematic requirements and format in accordance with the rules of publication will be reviewed by at least two academics, experts in the field of interest, who will determine whether the material meets the characteristics previously described for disclosure; in case of discrepancy between the results of the reviewers, the note will be sent to a third reviewer, whose decision will define the publication. Notes undergo a double-blind evaluation process, in which the authors ignore the evaluators and viceversa. The result of the process is reviewed by the Associate Editor and based on the information it issues the recommendation or resolution to the authors. Notes conditioned to make minor or major changes must comply with the recommendations of the evaluators before being considered for publication.


Publication Frequency

THERYA NOTES is a digital journal of continuous publication by the Asociación Mexicana de Mastozoología A. C. It receives proposals for publication throughout the year. It has a double blind peer evaluation system and is open access.


Open Access Policy

THERYA NOTES is based on its open access policy allows for free download the complete contents of the journal in digital format. It also authorizes the author to place the note in the format published by the journal on your personal website, or in an open access repository, distribute copies of the note published in electronic or printed whom he deems appropriate, and reuse part or whole note in your articles or future books, giving the corresponding credits.