Noteworthy record of Neotamias solivagus in Nuevo León, México

  • David Mercado-Morales Independent researcher.
Keywords: Camera trap, Cumbres de Monterrey, chipmunk, distribution, forest, squirrel


Six species of chipmunk Neotamias spp. are known in México. For the Sierra Madre Oriental mountain range, the only known species is Neotamias solivagus with two known locations, in south east Coahuila state. No other record has been published since 1956 and no known specimen of chipmunks is recorded in the state Nuevo León. The 4th of July 2020, during a wildlife photo hike in Cerro El Escorpión mountain, in the municipality of Santa Catarina, Nuevo León a small rodent with dorsal stripes, resembling a chipmunk, was photographed within the branches of a fallen tree. A week later, to obtain a better identification of the rodent, a camera trap was placed for two weeks at the site. The rodent photographed with the camera trap presents the same coloration pattern as the one initially photographed in the hike, alternating blackish and whitish back stripes. Due to its coloration typically like a chipmunk and potential distribution, it is identified as Neotamias solivagus; the presence of the tree squirrel Sciurus alleni was also recorded. Species of trees were identified in the area. This evidence would be the first documented record of the species in Nuevo León, within Parque Nacional Cumbres de Monterrey in a mixed conifers forest, as well as the lowest altitude record for the species. The coexistence of N. solivagus with tree squirrel S. alleni is documented and the conservation category of this chipmunk is commented.

How to Cite
Mercado-Morales, D. (2020). Noteworthy record of Neotamias solivagus in Nuevo León, México. Therya Notes, 1, 92-94.