Diversity of phyllostomid bats in four caves in the Dominican Republic

  • Erika de Los Santos Durán Programa de Biología y Conservación de la Biodiversidad, Universidad de Salamanca
  • Moisés Pescador Garriel Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Ambientales, Universidad de Salamanca
Keywords: Bats, biodiversity, fragmentation, Hispaniola, shelters


The Dominican Republic is the second country in the Greater Antilles with the widest variety of bats; however, the knowledge we have about these species is precarious, so this research focused on studying the diversity and conservation of the Phyllostomidae family in 4 caves in the country.  One sampling was carried out every 3 months between December 2021 and December 2022.  Three mist nets measuring 15 m long x 3 m wide were used to capture the bats.  Diversity was analyzed through the Margalef, Shannon, Simpson, and Pielou indices.  545 bats of the Phyllostomidae family were captured.  According to the Margalef index, the highest richness was recorded in the La Chepa cave (5.81), with 6 of the 7 species with distribution in the country.  Los Patos cave presented the highest diversity (H´ = 1.50), and the abundances of the species were more uniform (J´= 0.31).  The La Chepa cave presented the highest abundance of bats with 35.2 % of the total captures.  The differences in the diversity of bats in the studied caves may be due to the availability of food near the caves and the fragmentation of the surrounding habitat since the good state of the ecosystem is directly related to the presence and abundance of this family.

Author Biographies

Erika de Los Santos Durán, Programa de Biología y Conservación de la Biodiversidad, Universidad de Salamanca

Erika de los Santos, doctoranda en la Universidad de Salamanca, España. Con una sólida trayectoria en el área de Biología y Conservación de la Biodiversidad, desde el año 2020 ocupa el cargo de profesora titular en la Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra en la República Dominicana, acumulando más de 5 años de experiencia en enseñanza universitaria.

Ha liderado varios proyectos relacionados con la conservación y restauración ambiental de la flora y fauna endémica de la isla Española. Su dedicación y experiencia en este campo le han permitido contribuir significativamente al conocimiento y la protección de la biodiversidad en la región. Además, ha creado el proyecto de divulgación científica y educación ambiental "Preserva RD", con el objetivo de resaltar y conservar la riqueza biológica del país.

Desde el año 2022, está al frente de un importante proyecto de monitoreo y evaluación de mamíferos terrestres en distintas áreas protegidas del país. Asimismo, se encuentra trabajando en distintos proyectos de estudios de biodiversidad en colaboración con la Universidad ISA.

Moisés Pescador Garriel, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Ambientales, Universidad de Salamanca

Moisés Pescador, PhD from the University of Salamanca since 2002 in the area of ​​Biology and Conservation of Biodiversity, currently works as director of the Faculty of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences, has more than 15 years of experience in research directing multiple projects linked to the university.


From November 2008 to 2013, as PhD Assistant Professor in the Toxicology Area, in the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology. The tasks entrusted to this job position include both teaching and continuous training in the Environmental Sciences Degree as well as research work. I have generated a line of research in Ecotoxicology. However, from small funding it has been possible to continue the research work begun 6 years ago in Argentina, as well as start some pilot projects in the Provinces of Salamanca and Zamora.

From 2013 to 2021 he worked as a PhD Contracted Professor (interim) within the Toxicology Area of ​​the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology. The tasks of this job position continue to be the teaching work within the Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Sciences, the Degree in Environmental Sciences and the Master's in Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Engineering and Biology and Biodiversity Conservation. Regarding the research activity, I participate in several research projects within the Toxicology group following the research line of search for early and predisposition biomarkers in Acute Renal Failure, as well as the monitoring and development of mitigation measures for wildlife collisions in Wind farms

How to Cite
de Los Santos Durán, E., & Pescador Garriel, M. (2024). Diversity of phyllostomid bats in four caves in the Dominican Republic. Therya Notes, 5, 32-38. https://doi.org/10.12933/therya_notes-22-146