Uso de hábitat de la liebre en peligro de extinción, Lepus flavigularis: implicaciones para su conservación.
habitat use, jackrabbit, Lepus flavigularis, Oaxaca, TehuantepecAbstract
The Tehuantepec jackrabbit (Lepus flavigularis) is an endemic species from southeastern Oaxaca, listed as “endangered†by Mexican law and IUCN Red List. It is closely linked to grassland ecosystems from the area. Currently, the risk is due to the intense fragmentation of habitat and poaching. In this study we determined the habitat use of the Tehuantepec jackrabbit in Santa Maria del Mar, Oaxaca. We captured and radio-collared 60 adult jackrabbits, which were monitored from May 2006 to July 2008, during two dry seasons and two rainy seasons. We registered that Tehuantepec jackrabbit prefers grassland followed by shrubs, and avoided the mangroves, human settlements, and areas without vegetation apparent, the beach and roads. Results were similar when analyzing the data on a seasonal basis. Probably the species find all its satisfiers in grassland ecosystems, but is also exposed to threats to these ecosystems. In all cases the jackrabbits used grasslands in which cattle was present, apparently without problems of space competition between them. However, this is a future research topic. Domestic dogs’ presence seems to be a major threat to the survival of the hare in this population. It is necessary to establish a management and conservation program for the species and its habitat to ensure the survival of the Tehuantepec jackrabbit.Published
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