Análisis temporal de los hábitos alimentarios de la nutria neotropical (Lontra longicaudis) en el rio Zimatán en la costa de Oaxaca, México


  • Miguel Briones-Salas Laboratorio de Vertebrados Terrestres, CIIDIR Unidad Oaxaca, IPN. Calle Hornos 1003, Santa Cruz Xoxocotlán, Oaxaca, 71230.
  • Mario Alberto Peralta-Pérez Licenciatura en Biología, Escuela de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca.
  • Eréndira Arellanes Laboratorio de Vertebrados Terrestres, CIIDIR Unidad Oaxaca, IPN. Calle Hornos 1003, Santa Cruz Xoxocotlán, Oaxaca, 71230.


Food habits, Levin Index, niche with, Oaxaca coast, water dog


*Corresponding autorFeeding habits of Lontra longicaudis were compared in two periods at Río Zimatan, Oaxaca. Two transects were explored monthly in the years 1998 and 2002. We collected 1,188 scats; there were crustaceans (66.6%), fish (29.5%), insects (2.4%), birds (1.06%) and plants (0.44 %). Significant differences were found (F = 0.05, (7, 25) 3.94) Tukey’s test, these differences between groups were also found by dry or rainy seasons (q = 0.05, 8,118) and between the two periods. Shannon-Wiener Diversity index didn’t show significant differences for 1998 between transects and seasons, with the exception of comparing the “Zimatan†transect in dry season, vs “La escalera†transect in rainy season (t(.o5(2),5) > 2,57). Also when comparing between years at the total of each transect (t(.05(2), 54)>2). Three species obtained the 73 % of scats during 1998 Atya ormanioides, Macrobrachium americanum yGobiexus mexicanus influencing on the low levels of Diversity found (0.9 bits/ind). The second period showed higher values (2.4bits/ind). Human activities such as eco-tourism increased in the area during the second period, causing changes in the foraging strategies of otters. Levin’s index (5 to 11.9) showed convenient opportunistic habits, similar to equitativity (0.33 a 0.91). Variation in these indexes indicate niche amplitude is related to three or four species of crustaceans, mainly of the genera Macrobrachium and Atya.Key words: Food habits, Levin Index, niche with, Oaxaca coast, water dog.


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