Use of space in two neighboring groups of the howler monkey Alouatta palliata mexicana (Primates: Atelidae): overlap and home range size


  • Paulo Cesar Quintana-Morales UNIVERSIDAD VERACRUZANA
  • Rocio Bravo-Xicotencatl


Monos aulladores, interacciones espaciales, traslape de ámbito hogareño, distancia intergrupal, competencia.


The interaction between primate groups and the dynamics involved in the use of space are important factors affecting both competition for resources and intergroup dominance. In the present study we analyzed the differences in home range overlap and intergroup size, as well as the diversity of tree species within the home range, the Value Index for the key tree species, and the daily activity pattern of two neighboring groups of the howler monkey Alouatta palliata. From March 2002 to June 2003, the behavior and location of two groups of monkeys (G1, two adult males, four adult females and four infants; G2, six adult males, five adult females, one juvenile and three infants) were recorded in the same forest patch at Los Tuxtlas Biosphere Reserve, Veracruz, Mexico. Using the Minimum Convex Polygon (100 %), grid (100 m), and Kernel (adapted and fixed) methods, as well as transect sampling, significant differences (F1, 20 = 14.45, P = 0.001) were found in the home range size of the groups, being greater in G2. The habitat in the G2 home range had greater richness and diversity of tree species, as well as a higher Importance Value Index for the key tree species (Ficus spp.) included in the howler monkey diet. On the other hand, significant differences between groups (Mann-Whitney U = 38, P < 0.05) were found only as regards locomotion behavior, likely due to a behavioral adaptation to optimize food resource use or search. The two groups displayed a similar use of food resources; however, there was a slight overlap in the home range between both groups with no direct aggression, likely because their habitat included sufficient space and food. Our data suggest that the reduced overlap may vary between neighboring groups because of factors such as group size. However, groups could weigh various factors to avoid home-range overlap.

Author Biographies

Paulo Cesar Quintana-Morales, UNIVERSIDAD VERACRUZANA

Doctorado en Neuroetología por la Universidad Veracruzana. Laboratorio de Biología de la Conducta. Académico de Tiempo Completo. Profesor de Estadística, Sistemas de Información Geográfica y Experiencia Recepcional en Universidad Veracruzana y Posgrado en Neuroetología. Temas de interés: Primatología, Ecología, Sistemas de Información Geográfica, Etología y Fragmentación del hábitat.


Laboratorio de Biología de la Conducta. Académico de Tiempo Completo. Profesor de Ecología Conductual en Universidad Veracruzana y Posgrado en Neuroetología. Temas de interés: Ecología, Ecología Conductual, Matozoología, y herpetología.


Doctor en Etología por la Universidad de Barcelona, España. Profesor en el Instituto Tecnológico de San Andrés, Veracruz, México.

Rocio Bravo-Xicotencatl

Doctora en Etología por la Universidad de Barcelona, España.


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