First stranding record of a Cuvier beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris) at Isla Guadalupe, Mexico


  • Juan Pablo Gallo-Reynoso Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo, A.C., Unidad Guaymas
  • Edgar Mauricio Hoyos-Padilla Pelagios-Kakunjá A.C., La Paz, B.C.S.


Calf stranding, cuvier beaked whale, Isla Guadalupe, Ziphius cavirostris.


Introduction: A calf of a Cuvier beaked whale, Ziphius cavirostris, was found stranded at Isla Guadalupe, Mexico where this species have been observed before.Methods: Thoroughly observation of the individual indicated that the stranding was very recent. A necropsy was conducted to report the plausible stranding causes. The individual was measured.Results: The female calf was a month old individual. Its body temperature was still warm, with no pupillary reaction or artery pulse at the inner blowhole and at the fluke major arteries. The calf was apparently close to a month old. The stomachs contained milk in different degradation stages (fresh to semi-digested).Discussion: Necropsy of the calf did not show any plausible indication about its death, such as predation, major wounds, trauma, ulcers or infections, only the presence of a small bubbling blood effusion together with some epithelial and muscle tissue masses extruding from the urogenital opening. No gas related trauma such as decompression could be confirmed due that we did not have the means to measure gas presence on epithelial tissues. Key words: Cuvier beaked whale, calf stranding, Isla Guadalupe, Ziphius cavirostris.

Author Biographies

Juan Pablo Gallo-Reynoso, Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo, A.C., Unidad Guaymas

Investigador Titular D

Edgar Mauricio Hoyos-Padilla, Pelagios-Kakunjá A.C., La Paz, B.C.S.

Presidente de la Asociación Pelagios-Kakunjá A.C.


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